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The Traian Hall came to be in 1896, designed by the italian arhitect Giulio Magni, becoming the very heart of the area by its market function. In 2003 the marketplace has been  relocated in a newly built industrial  shed just across the street from the old one. This new market hall still serves the neighborhood today by continuesly being opened, regardless of the season. It has a surface of 516 sq m ; it doesn’t expand besides for commercial purposes, like other marketplaces. Inside it hosts 32 modular stalls, which along with 14 boxes that are located on the longer sides of the hall; all these  configure the  insular interior space  by creating 2 corridors. The 14  merchants serve on average 30 customers per day. Their offer includes fresh groceries, household items, baked goods and fresh meat products. Today the historic Traian  Hall accommodates a store belonging to the Mega Image supermarket chain.

Our project searched  to resolve the lack of connectivity between the focal points of the neighborhood : the church, the current grocery market and the Traian  Hall. We considered necessary, as a minimal ordering spatial gesture, the unification on a visual level of the large horizontal surface by a continuous and uniformly arranged  pavement and joining the street with the sidewalk  at the same level.

COLECTIV:  Georgiana Budulan, Annamária Lakatos, Alexandra Seregi

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