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MZCH#4 focuses on a historic neighborhood in the center of Bucharest in its attempt to see the true nature of the built heritage which cannot be conferred only by the extraordinary objects, those listed by the Ministry of Culture. The radical strength of the built heritage derives from the city itself, with its unpredicted development and the sometimes improvised buildings; and also and most important it grows out of that will of universality visible in many of its houses when the nobility of architecture is built into place: piano nobile, majestic entrances, elaborate attention to the details of the windows, profound and elegant vertical stratifications of the volumes. All these are part of the diffuse built heritage of the city, a quite, silent patrimony that isn’t always shining in the isolated architectural object, but in the confessed richness that the ensemble offers for inhabitation.

MZCH#4 – the Diffuse Built Heritage is structured around the research that took place in the studio of the 3rd year of study from UAUIM led by professor Florian Stanciu in the academic year 2017-2018. 

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Mazzocchioo is an initiative of Poster (Stefan Simion, Irina Meliță, Ștefania Hîrleață, Radu Tîrcă, Cristian Bădescu: Past editors: George Stănescu, Iulia Tudosie , Bianca Gavrilă

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